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Hours of Operation: Mon - Fri 8:00am - 8:00pm


NCOA Chapter 1551 Executive Committee Members


CMSgt (Ret)

Jim Sullivan

MSgt (Ret)

Michael Grabow


CMSgt (Ret)

Jim Kearns


MSgt (Ret)

Liz Lynn


MSgt (Ret)

Gary Chase

Auxiliary Chapter 270 Executive Committee Members


Tammy Sullivan

Ellie Witt


Pam Wright


Scott Rodowick


Melissa Carnahan


NCOA was established in 1960 to enhance and maintain the quality of life for noncommissioned and petty officers in all branches of the Armed Forces, National Guard and Reserves. The Association offers its members a wide range of benefits and services designed especially for current and former enlisted service members and their families. Those benefits fall into these categories:

Social Improvement Programs - to help ensure your well-being during your active military career, your transition to civilian life and throughout your retirement. 

Legislative Representation -to serve as your legislative advocate on issues that affect you and your family, through our National Capital Office in Alexandria,VA.
Today's Services -  to help save you money through merchant program discounts.

Legislative Action

NCOA's government affairs headquarters, the National Capital Office (NATCO), in Alexandria, VA, is your voice in Washington. For nearly four decades, NCOA has worked continuously to preserve, protect and enhance the entitlements, benefits and privileges earned through military service.

In one of Washington's most active programs, the Association strives to ensure that the laws and policies of the federal government are developed and enacted with equity for enlisted personnel, retirees, veterans, and their families. The Association focuses its legislative effort in the areas of compensation, benefits and quality of life issues for the Total Force.

To promote the legislative goals of NCOA, the Association regularly joins forces with others to advance mutually shared objectives. As fewer and fewer veterans of military service are being elected to Congress, NCOA leverages its influence to obtain additional support for the Association's legislative goals and objectives.

NCOA is proud of its legislative representation heritage. In recognition of our work on behalf of military members, their dependents and survivors, and veterans, NCOA was granted a federal charter by the U.S. Congress in 1988. This prestigious honor is a testimony to the impact that NCOA has had in enhancing the lives of noncommissioned and petty officers.

Through its office near the pentagon, NCOA actively lobbies congress, the White House, the Department of Veterans Affairs. In one of Washington's most active programs, NCOA submits expert testimony to Congress on a wide range of personnel and quality of life issues, to include: commissary benefits, exchange privileges, and pay and compensation.

Benevolent Programs

NCOA Scholarship Fund - Scholarships are awarded to children and spouses of NCOA members each year. These are non-repayable and are renewable for up to three years after the initial grant.
NCOA Bettsy Ross Educational Fund - Open to NCOA Auxiliary members, this fund provides scholastic grants for developing or improving upon a member's employment skills.
NCOA Disaster Relief Fund - Established to provide relief for immediate disaster-related needs to military members and their families who suffer losses as a result of natural disasters such as hurricanes, fires, floods, earthquakes, etc.

Today's Services

NCOA's group purchasing power allows the Association to offer exceptional professional services, programs, benefits and opportunities to our members and their families.

Employment Assistance

NCOA Mini Resume Data Base - A free service for all veterans. Resumes can be mailed or turned in at Job Fairs. The data base is maintained by TAOnline.com. Job Fairs -- conducted each month throughout the continental U.S. They provide participants one-on-one contact with national companies seeking to hire people with military training and experience.